Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck

Ron Mueck, Wolverhampton


Wolverhampton Art Gallery


Ron Mueck is widely recognised for his sculptures, which replicate the human figure at greatly exaggerated or reduced scale, but always in the utmost detail. He plays with scale to create dramatic narratives which link the real world with that of mythology and folklore. His work explores timeless themes about the human condition and audiences often feel a great connection with his sculptures.

The exhibition will feature two sculptures from the ARTIST ROOMS collection, Wild Man (2005) and Spooning Couple (2005), as well as Ghost (1998) from Tate and Mother and Child (2001) and Youth (2009) from private collections. Audiences will be able to see examples of maquettes and work in progress as well as Gautier Deblonde's film of Ron preparing for a major show at the Cartier Foundation, Paris.

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