Georg Baselitz
Georg Baselitz
Georg Baselitz
Georg Baselitz

Georg Baselitz, Leicester


New Walk Museum and Art Gallery


New Walk Museum & Art Gallery hosts the first ARTIST ROOMS presentation of Georg Baselitz, whose work has never been seen in Leicester before.

The exhibition represents an exciting opportunity to see the work of one of the great post-war German painters alongside Leicester’s extraordinary German Expressionist collection, currently undergoing a major redisplay that will formally open with the Baselitz exhibition. Baselitz’s work has a complex relationship to the legacies of German Expressionism and this pairing of exhibitions will give a unique opportunity to explore this aspect of his work. Artists in the collection, the acquisition of which began with the museum's hosting of the groundbreaking exhibition ‘Mid-European Art’ in 1944, include Marc, Kandinsky, Jawlensky and Schmidt-Rottluff. Context to their works is provided by precursors to German Expressionism including Liebermann, Feininger, Kollwitz and Grosz.

At the heart of the exhibition will be a collaborative learning environment that will have a program of work exploring the performative aspects of Baselitz’s oeuvre and persona.

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