Dan Flavin
Dan Flavin
Dan Flavin
Dan Flavin
Dan Flavin

Dan Flavin, Dumfries


Gracefield Art Centre


Gracefield Art Centre is the first ARTIST ROOMS Associate to present works by the great twentieth-century American artist Dan Flavin. The exhibition will include 'untitled (to Don Judd, colorist) 1-5' (1987) and a group of four ‘Monument’ to V. Tatlin sculptures, some of the most iconic works of Minimalism. The presentation at Gracefield Art Centre follows on from the successful exhibition of the same works at the Tate Modern, London, as part of the ARTIST ROOMS programme.

Gracefield Arts Centre in Dumfries houses a collection of over 400 Scottish paintings, and holds a changing programme of contemporary exhibitions featuring regional, national and international artists. The installation of the Flavin works in this will transform the Gracefield gallery spaces and offer local audiences the first chance to engage with this challenging and fascinating body of work. A range of gallery talks and activities will accompany the exhibition.

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