August Sander
August Sander
August Sander

August Sander, Banff


Duff House


© Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur - August Sander Archiv, Cologne; DACS, London, 2014

August Sander was a German portrait photographer whose work in the early half of the twentieth century proved enormously important to the development of photographic art. This exhibition of Sander's works presented a selection from the artist's extraordinary documentary project, 'People of the 20th Century'.

Sander sought to catalogue the lives of the entire German people, and in doing so created an unprecedented record of human society. Duff House, through its existing partnership with the National Galleries of Scotland, hosts a high quality collection of portraits and miniatures from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries, making it an ideal location for the exhibition. The ARTIST ROOMS exhibition was used as a means to explore works in the permanent collection through Sander’s practice, thereby engaging audiences in a contemporary conversation about self-image and identity.

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