Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol, Sheffield


Graves Gallery


This exhibition of Andy Warhol's self-portraits, made in a period from the late seventies until just before his untimely death in 1987, revealed the many faces, from pop star to shy introvert, of the artist who succeeded in becoming a household name. The spectre of premature death, which had haunted Warhol since his near-fatal shooting in 1968, also hovers in the background of these pictures.

'Andy Warhol: Late Self-Portraits' was a highlight of the Graves Gallery programme in 2012, and followed on from the popular success of the Robert Mapplethorpe ARTIST ROOM in 2009. It included some of Warhol’s most iconic pictures, and offered a unique insight into the ‘real’ Andy Warhol from the people who knew him best. Created by art historian Dr Jean Wainwright, 'The Search for Andy Warhol’s Voice' featured a series of audio recordings of Warhol’s family and close friends talking about the artist’s childhood, relationships and approach to his work.

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